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There's Only One Real Spectre

By Frank Weber

Copyright ©2025


“If you believe you’re right, then go ahead.”

Immortal words if there ever were any.

The Distinguished Gentleman from Tennessee had it right.

Fortunately, these days we don’t need an Alamo to live and prove that sentiment.

Well, some folks need it…they hunger for their own, personal Alamo…not for any one cause in  particular but solely so that they can be seen as being ‘right’.

It’s become the bastardization of a couple-centuries-old, prolific and profound piece of knowledge that was most definitely proven and earned in real blood.


I could give a shit less about the people that must ‘shout their cause from the mountaintops’.

I prefer to listen to the proven wisdom of proven men…If I believe I’m right, then I fight tooth and nail to that end…and I don’t need a crowd to cheer me on to get there.

I prefer to see the results rather than only listen to why I should accept the world the way someone else wants it.


Believing you’re right is a lonely business.

You’re spot-on lucky if you’re able to connect with even one or two folks that share your belief.

Other than that, no one really cares what you believe or why.

The ones that want you to only listen are only worried about whether-or-not you acknowledge their screaming…no, it’s never about their beliefs…because those do not really exist.


There is an absolute and clear distinction between believing you’re right and rattling someone else’s sabre just to be a part of something seemingly bigger than yourself. Sadly, it amounts to nothing more than a mob.


Those who sincerely believe in their cause will fight for it, but they have no need, want or desire to raise a pulpit to scream and pontificate on someone else’s agenda. If you sincerely believe that you’re right, then you know that you’re right…and you know ‘why’. If you float an uneducated rhetorical rant, it’s an innate value at best. It does nothing but attempt to draw more fodder to the front line to absorb – and “hopefully” redirect – fire from yourself toward those mindless minions that would jump on-board.

And the ones that scream the loudest? And the ones that carry as many of those sabres as they can hold? They have no clue whether-or-not they’re right. What’s worse is they do not care. Ask ANY ONE of them to explain exactly ‘why’ they’re saying what they say and then sit back and enjoy the shit-show.


It’s not because they honestly believe they’re right, it’s because they vehemently hate the very idea that ANYONE might think their position is wrong.

It’s called indoctrination.


The only real and present danger The People face is that very real Spectre of Radicalization…and it exists and it lurks.


I saw an interview on a college campus just the other day with a student who happened to be demonstrating against President Trump’s Inauguration and for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. She was asked an admittedly trick question…

Do you believe that Martin Luther King, Jr should have been at President Trump’s inauguration?

Her answer? “Yeah… I kinda think he shoulda been there. It seems kinda insulting that they didn’t let him go…today’s his day, too.


They gave this hapless girl a sabre and tossed her to the front line – another steaming pile of fodder to be trampled – so that the hidden – and ineffective – cause could be “recognized”. Oh, it was recognized all right…recognized for the ludicrous farce that it truly is. And the underlying point of the ‘cause’ she chose to support? Demonstrate against President Trump NO MATTER WHAT.


Same situation as the “Queers for Palestine” protests just before Christmas.

Again, a protesting student was asked a very simple question…


Do you support Palestine?


Yes, I do!

And this is how it went…

Why do you support Palestine?

Because Israel is committing genocide! Israel is killing Palestinians and Arabs and Hebrews just to steal their land!


Do you know that Hebrews ARE Jews? That Israel IS Jewish?

Stunned silence, accompanied by crickets.

To the same girl...

Ok…I see the pride flag...Are you gay?

She defiantly answered, “Yes, I am!

To which the interviewer countered, “You DO realize that homosexuality is against their laws and you could be imprisoned and even executed for being openly gay? You DO know that…Don’t you?

Stunned silence, accompanied by crickets.


They’re NOT spouting this horseshit because they honestly believe they’re right, it’s because they vehemently hate the very idea that ANYONE might think their position is wrong

No matter what it is…how could it be wrong? They saw a video or a meme that told them they’re right. “If I scream loud enough at everyone that disagrees, then that proves WE’RE right! They’ll just shut up give in!


‘Causes’ are NEVER laid out there in line for you to pick at like a salad bar.

If you support a ‘cause’ then you can feel it.

You know it.

You live it.

You absolutely do NOT carry a sign for a weekend and then forget it.

To do that is to do nothing more than follow the rest of the herd over the cliff.


It’s all bullshit, kids.


Keep your eyes open for the things in the world that truly move you to action…not the ones that someone else tells you to follow.


If someone else has to tell you what to think, then it doesn’t mean a damn thing to you in the first place – and it shows!


Find what moves you and THEN fighting for that cause will be a natural thing and THEN…and only THEN…can you produce a thundering, significant and lasting effect on the world.


In any event, it’s time to grow up…at least a little bit.


Let your parents know that their money isn’t being completely wasted on you.


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