I originally wrote and posted this piece back in June of 2021.
It was a dark, bleak time for ANYONE that had a free thought to speak - or worse to write. Thankfully, those days are now behind us and so much has come to light since!
In particular, gone is the overt and blatant manipulation of the masses for what have now been proven - and continue to be proven - as nothing more than an egregious, underlying agenda.
You can argue and scream and spit and bitch all you want, but the plain, simple fact of the matter is that damn near everything that was proclaimed and mandated is now crumbling into powder in the dirt - if it's not gone already - as the baseless garbage it had always been.
Those that were vilified and put on the chopping block with directives to hate them, are now FINALLY being seen as the people they are, NOT the people certain biased government officials and radical movements would have had us all believe. These perpetrators are now FINALLY being seen as the foolish, childish, self-serving, greedy, corrupt, nonsensical, attempted tyrants that they are and, in fact were, back at the beginning of their attempted transformation of The United States of America.
For good or bad, We The People are once again free to decide for ourselves.
Well, those of us are that are open-minded an accepting enough to understand that every issue has at least two sides - not just the one that tries to scream and cry the loudest.
If this pisses you off and sets your head in a tizzy, then GOOD!
If this strikes a chord with you because of the utter horseshit you've had to endure these past several years, then even better!
Either way, both of you are once again THINKING! It would be better if all involved would THINK FOR THEMSELVES, but it's a start!
So, with all that aside, enjoy!
A Unified Voice of Thousands

By Frank Weber
Copyright ©2021
I ran across this picture the other day, and I think it’s quite apropos for current societal affairs.
I have no idea who created it, otherwise, I’d list full credit because it is more than just an internet pic. I read a definite statement in it and on many levels.
Yes, it’s a photoshop-job and no, it’s not a real photograph.
Great White Sharks are real enough and can be deadly enough.
Fish Swarms are real enough, but they are not formed with the intention of eating sharks and other predators but rather avoiding them.
One fish alone gets swallowed up pretty fast, and so do small clusters of fish.
However, thousands of fish swimming in unison, working together not only to evade a predator but confuse, disorient and discourage it, go on to swim another day.
They can make the sharks go away.
Give the picture a good look.
Everyone’s afraid of – or at least holds respect for – the killing power of a Great White Shark.
Few individuals, fish or otherwise, would ever take on the shark nose to nose. Fish will swim for cover to stay alive.
Until that certain time comes when there is no protection, and their numbers are too great to hide.
Until that certain time comes when tactics must change for survival’s sake.
I’ll take that picture a step further.
One large, ferocious and deadly predator can be overcome by multitudes of smaller fish, unified in one common effort. They have to survive, so they found a way for a greater number of their school to do exactly that against the predators around them.
As in all battles – man-made or between elements of nature – no matter the plan or effort, there will be casualties. The price of survival, propagation and evolution is always worth the cost it demands.
People in today’s world seem to be taking a lesson from swarming schools of fish.
People in today’s world are beginning to tire of relentless, almost individualized attacks and are showing signs of grouping together in defense of themselves.
People are beginning to realize that a single, lone voice is rarely heard, but when the voices blend into one resounding thunder, they can force a change in direction.
I am not talking about ‘changing the world’ or ‘changing society’.
I am talking about saving the world and the society we already have around us…saving it from the singular, large and deadly predators that want society formed for their own personal wants and objectives.
I’m talking about surviving the onslaught being leveled against each and every one of us.
Forget your political point of view and forget your liberal or conservative approach to life.
Take a good look at the efforts being made to force specific change in our society. These are efforts made by a small number of people still drunk on the influence they once held for a couple of months last year. No predator will willingly give up a kill once it’s in his jaws.
People – the most dangerous predator living on this planet – are no different from Great White Sharks in that regard. They bit into their prey, they liked the taste, and they do not want to let it go. Sharks can swallow other fish whole, but people have to be incessantly ‘tenderized’ to be kept in the jaws.
If you take a good look and listen to some of the commercials and even the specific celebrities talking, and you hear what is being said, I think you’ll be surprised at the undertones present in the messages.
Some are not so subtle.
Last night, I saw a commercial for a ‘comedy’ tv show.
The commercial complained about a specific conservative candidate for the 2024 election and was already attempting to tie the dangers of ‘coronavirus’ to the 2024 election!
It is June of 2021. The Presidential election was over just months ago.
2024 is three years away, and far enough out in the future that we really don’t need to begin worrying about it just yet.
The People are punch-drunk and weary from all of the ‘covid’ nonsense, and yes, the attempted perpetuation and future projection of ‘covid’ as the modern plague is quite plainly nonsense at this point in time.
No matter all efforts to the contrary, and the mind-numbing and drumming message of the media, We the People are done with this period in our history.
Yet here are the political celebrities – who gained their notoriety only by incessantly slamming the members of the party to which they were opposed – still trying to rattle sabers.
The battle cries are dying and the People just want their lives back, yet many see it as their duty to fan the flames and maintain their self-perceived importance and position.
After all, if they don’t tell us who to hate and what to do, then we might not do what they want.
I’ve said it before, celebrities are not political scientists. They are entertainers, not policy makers.
They are opportunistically using current affairs for their own benefit, and that would be ok if they stopped at jokes or observations.
They start out doing it for ratings and shows, but over time, some actually believe they have become an important and valued voice for their cause.
A comedian/comedienne is popular because they can help the People to laugh and to forget real life for a little while. They’re popular because they help us feel good for at least a little while.
Feeling good is good enough.
Even though some celebrities would vehemently argue the point, they are NOTÂ the voice of political movements and they are NOTÂ the voice of the People.
They are the Great White Shark moving in for the kill. They want the world as they want it.
We are all of the fish swimming around them. We are the People that want our worlds as we have them.
The sharks lose all effectiveness, and eventually give up and go away when the many fishes form a swarm and block and dissuade their attacks.
The nonsensical, redundant and tedious rhetoric of a flash-in-the-pan movement can – and will – be drowned out by the voices of thousands of The People who are opposed and do not want it.
Our numbers are now too great to hide.
Our tactics must now change if society is to grow, propagate and flourish once again.
We need a Unified Voice to out-shout and squash the handful of boisterous, self-serving remnants of last year.
We need a Unified Voice of Thousands.
#silverfox #cigarlife #unifiedvoice #laborrelations #decenthumanbeing #fyp #agewithattitude#hipreplacement #bigfoot #ghoststories #huntersthompson #jackkerouac #charlesbukowski #addmeontiktok #barebackmag #bigfoot #mountainstories #campfirestories #cigarsÂ