These pieces are a bit off the beaten path and maybe even a little controversial for some folks, but then again, so am I. But you know me...if I have something to say, I'm going to say it...not to upset people, but because I CAN!

Are Daddy Issues Such a Bad Thing?

Can I Call You Daddy?

The Kitchen Sink - A Thanksgiving Poem
Please feel free to drop me a line and let me know what you think.
#frankweber #thebeast #dowhatthouwilt #freedomofspeech #notmyfear #thinkforyourself #tolerance #freedom #mistofmydreams #untilthenexttime #author #writer #novelist #silverfox #sexyoldermen #cigarlife #unifiedvoice #laborrelations #decenthumanbeing #agewithattitude #oldmenarebetter #hipreplacement #bigfoot #ghoststories #huntersthompson #jackkerouac #charlesbukowski #addme #addmeoninstagram #addmeontiktok #barebackmag #fyp #tattooedoldermen #tattooeddaddies #bigfoot #mountain #mountainstories #shortstories #woodsstory #eerie #inthewoods #erie #eriepennsylvania #camping #campfire #campfirestories #cigars #sasquatch #eriewoodsstory #glacialhillsreview #sasquatch