By Frank Weber
Copyright ©2025
“Climate change is real! We HAVE to save the world! Only WE can save the world!”
That diatribe is getting tired. It’s getting old. And, NO it is NOT a new movement by ANY stretch of the imagination.
And no, you CANNOT save the world.
You can NEVER save the world because Mother Nature will NEVER allow it.
You can NEVER save the world because The Universe will NEVER allow it.
The most Man can hope for is a reprieve while we’re living on this planet, but it’s not a likely proposition.
This planet – alongside EVERY other celestial body and entity in the universe has been through more cataclysmic destruction and upheaval than Mankind can ever conceive to create…and it’s been going on for billions of years.
Perhaps it’s once again time to open a book and understand – even in a rudimentary explanation – just how the universe works. How in some cases it destroys itself and then seemingly recreates itself.
Learn exactly how THIS planet in particular was formed, and over time has eliminated almost all of life – repeatedly – once life had a foothold here, anyway.
Perhaps, instead of ANOTHER failed, uninformed, ridiculous protest, it’s once again time to open a book and make an effort to understand how the physical universe really works.

Perhaps if the radicals had not tried to cancel Dr. Suess and instead read his books (one in particular), they might have an idea on how to really get the point across…not solve it, but get the point across.
It should be pretty obvious by now that the vast majority of The People DO NOT CARE anymore, if they ever really did.
Do you really harbor such an arrogance as to believe for one second that Man – who has only existed on this planet for thousands of years compared to its billion-year life span, will ever be capable of determining its life for the next billion?
Get over yourself. Mankind is NOT that important in the universe or in any way influential to it.
There is absolutely nothing wrong or misguided in wanting to live in a pleasant world and breathe clean air and enjoy the world for what it has to offer. Not for a second, but you will NEVER attain it by attempting to destroy life as we know it to get there. Life is difficult enough just to survive, let alone give up anything that helps to make us feel a little better.
The ludicrous notions that paper straws and electric cars and the removal of selected appliances will somehow fix and sustain the movement are fairy tales intended for the childish approach to the world that so many of the faithful cling to as they would their Mother’s hand.
They don’t realize what exactly it is that produces those paper straws and produces power for those electric cars…why would they ever be told such a thing? “That’s radical thinking and is only further evidence that drastic measures must be taken! We CANNOT think that way if we are going to save our planet!”
I have to call bullshit on that one.
I love the outdoors. I love the mountains. I love the ocean. I love the big woods and I love a quiet, secluded stream in the heart of a thick, rich forest.
So I do all that I can to preserve those things and preserve those locations – I do all that I can.
At the same time, I understand that in less than a second a tornado can materialize and erase huge swatches of that forest (or flatten an 80x80x20ft cinderblock garage as happened to me). I understand that an electrical storm has the power to create fire on the ground and release brush fires that can destroy immense tracks of the big woods…and sadly, as we are witnessing now, even large metropolitan cities. Although, these current fires appear, at least in part, to have been intentionally set. I understand that under our feet is a smoldering, festering pot of molten rock and metals probing the ground for any crack or weak point to release it into eruption… and also create residual earthquakes and the subsequent tsunamis that can result from such a cataclysmic event.
Mother Nature can be a bigger bitch than karma when she puts her mind to it.
And with no warning or provocation.
I understand that in just a few short years (sometime in 2029), an asteroid of immense proportions is following an orbit that will theoretically bring it the closet to the planet’s surface (possibly even dipping down into the atmosphere) in observed and recorded history that any object has been since the “dinosaur killer” asteroid. It doesn’t take much to alter an orbit – in astronomical terms – it could be as simple as the gravitational pull of the Earth acting on the asteroid. I hope not, but if it were to happen, no measure of paper straws and electric cars and nonsensical protests will ever prevent it.
And we will be gone.
If it does veer off orbit and face-plant into the Earth’s surface, it will be just one more instance of Mother Nature’s fury in union with the way of the universe.
And very few of us – if any – will be left alive to ever know about it.
So what’s the point?
No, you cannot save the world by screaming an overused, tired tirade at The People around you.
You will never move The People by incessantly downplaying their want, desire and need to live their own lives the way they feel they should. You will never dissuade anyone’s want to feel good, or at least just a little bit better.
No, you cannot save the world by forming international unions and world organizations that serve to do little more than collect monies and grandstand in the name of saving the planet.
You can only save the world we live on through particular, personal moments and efforts.
And so we’re clear, the ability to save the planet has even less to do with politics than it ever will with protests and organizations. It has nothing to do with it. If you honestly believe that you will reach that end via political maneuvering, then it’s not only time to open a few dozen books, but you might as well go back to the first grade and reboot your entire elementary education. Political entities will do nothing more than collect followers to ensure both their power, and more importantly, their monies, and that is all.
You can only temporarily save pockets of the planet we live on through particular, personal moments and efforts.
I love the mountains. I love the ocean. I love the big woods and I love a quiet, secluded stream in the heart of a thick, rich forest.
So I do all that I can to preserve those things and preserve those locations – I do all that I can.
The only real impact Mankind can have is to change its internally wired programming and thinking and view the planet in a different light. Mankind has to view the planet and the universe in the light in which it exists.
Doesn’t sound too easy, does it?
That’s because it is not, but it’s the best we can do. Mankind cannot ever and will never be able to control the natural universe.
If it turns out that monster asteroid is on an ill-fated path to smack the Earth and potentially erase Mankind from its surface (and from existence), do you really want to look up at the sky on that fateful morning and wish you could’ve enjoyed more of life on this planet? Or would you rather go out knowing you lived the best life you possibly could while you were here and did your own part to make it livable?
It's not a trick question and the answer should be clear.